Who are the executive members of the Seaway Cultural Arts Committee?
Sandra Taylor, who is President of Focus Art, has been teaching painting and sculpting for over 17 years both privately and with the YMCA in the Toronto area, for St. Lawrence College Continuing Education program, and at an Adult Education Center on the Mohawk territory, and for 4 years in her studio which is now in Cornwall, Ontario. She was the recipient of the Academic Council Award for highest proficiency of her graduating class at St. Lawrence College.
Jason Setnyk is a local school teacher, freelance journalist, author, photographer, and artist. He is the founder of Rock for Charity and he is active both politically and socially.
Michael Petrynka is active in amateur theatre, and he has done stage shows for Vagabond Theatre, Glen Productions, and now the Seaway Valley Theatre Company. His roles included set construction, directing, and acting.
Caroline Legault has an extensive background of experience including being a Project coordinator for Franco-Ontarian games in Cornwall, and project coordinator for the Centre culturel du conseil de vie française de Cornwall. She was also a Marketing consultant for CHOD FM 92,1, and Communications and public relations consultant for L'Association Canadienne Française de l’Ontario. She also has experience as an office administrator.
Rodney Rivette is a musician, promoter and owner of his own productions company. He has been involved with many different charitable and community organizations. He is one of the founders of Cornwall Winterfest. Rodney has been a touring musician for almost twenty years.
Jeff Burnet is an event promoter, he has been active in Cornwall for over 20 years, and he is the founder and owner of Alkaline Entertainment, booking famous acts to Cornwall such as Blue Rodeo, and festivals such as Corn Stock.
Steven Restinetti is a Process Engineer and he is the lead guitarist of local rock band the Trench Town Oddities. He has played lead guitar for over twenty five years and has been a touring musician for more than twenty years. His other skills and areas of interest include computers, event co-ordination, research, and visual graphics.